Lokki Rental Place
Lokki Rental Place
Our manifesto

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Dear you from 2030, Do you remember me? In 2024, you set yourself a crazy challenge. That of making buying obsolete. To make renting sexy, a concept unthinkable when, with a swipe of your finger, you could buy anything new. In 2024, however, you decided it was time to give your eco-anxiety a little slap. By frankly launching the movement of happy sobriety. To de-possess in order to return to the essentials, to live moments, to enjoy the most precious thing we will never own: our time. But how to re-enchant this struggle, the sobriety, to live it with the most carefree and freedom? We thought we had to draw from the past to reinvent the future. To make renting the hippest reflex of the century, we borrowed the optimistic militant spirit of the sixties. We stole their sunny colors, their jovial and naive shapes. We remembered that at the time too, the antagonisms were strong, the fear of the future pervasive. But that hope had been even more powerful.

Rent today. Change Tomorrow.

lokki logo

Democratize renting for all

founders quotes

Impact by nature

Lokki is a mission-driven company according to the pact law and works for its reason for being.

Discover our work axes →

Make buying obsolete: Increase the use of rental objects

Make buying obsolete: Increase the use of rental objects

Expand the range of objects available for rent

Expand the range of objects available for rent

Help local players develop their offer

Help local players develop their offer

Participate in the promotion of the imagination around local experiences

Participate in the promotion of the imagination around local experiences

lokki team

Them ↑ is us :)

Behind Lokki, there are 38 outdoor enthusiasts (mainly) located in the 4 corners of France. BUT ALSO our 1400 partner renters who help us every day to democratize responsible adventure and leisure, for sustainable sobriety.

Our history

May 2019

Lokki, born in Grenoble with the objective of helping independent equipment renters with a simple software

December 2021

Lokki equips the first 300 renters, our ambassadors “A software by renters for renters”

November 2022

Lokki becomes a Mission company with the help of the Make Sense - Racine 2 teams

March 2023

Lokki launches Lokki.Rent, the directory of renters in France to democratize renting

June 20, 2024

It's summer ☀ Lokki changes shape and adorns a new outfit, more solar, like us at Lokki

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Discover the new identity of Lokki in video

For more information, contact us

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