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Hunting is the ancient practice of pursuing and capturing or killing wild animals or game, mainly for food, trophies or to control animal populations. Over time, hunting has diversified and can also be practised as a leisure activity, a sport, or for wildlife management and conservation purposes.

Traditionally, hunting involved the use of tools such as bows, arrows, spears and traps. With technological advances, firearms have become the most common tool used by hunters. In addition to equipment for stalking and shooting game, modern hunters can use a range of accessories such as binoculars, game calls, and camouflage gear to increase their efficiency and stealth.

Hunting is subject to strict regulations that vary from region to region, including defined hunting seasons, quotas, hunting licenses, and rules concerning permitted hunting methods. These regulations aim to preserve animal populations at sustainable levels, protect endangered species, and maintain ecological balance.

In addition to its practical dimension, hunting is interwoven into many cultures around the world, with traditions and practices that reflect respect for, and deep knowledge of, natural ecosystems. It is often associated with nature conservation, as hunters contribute to habitat management and the protection of wilderness areas. In addition, hunting generates significant income for conservation through hunting licenses, taxes on hunting equipment, and hunting tourism.

Sport hunting, carried out in compliance with the law and ethical principles, focuses on fair play, skill and often the selective capture of specific individuals to maintain a healthy game population. On the other hand, poaching, or illegal hunting, represents a serious threat to wildlife, leading to declining populations of protected species and unbalanced ecosystems.

Hunting continues to evolve, with growing awareness of its impact on the environment and the need for sustainable practices. It provokes debate among wildlife conservationists, environmentalists and the general public, between the need for conservation, cultural traditions and animal welfare.

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