👶 Children learning to ride a bike: It's no piece of cake, but it's child's play!
Children learning to ride a bike! That memorable moment when you pull out the brand-new bike, adjust the helmet, and the little feet get ready to pedal. Here's our guide to turning this stage of life into a bit of fun rather than an obstacle course. Let's talk bikes, wheels and how to adjust those pesky handlebars and saddle! 🎉
### 🎈 The draisienne: The little queen of learning bikes
Are you tempted by the draisienne? Excellent idea! This simplified version of the bicycle, without pedals, lets children focus on the essentials: balance.
From an early age, children can explore the world on two wheels for their first [family bike rides\]\( ), without the complications of pedals. The draisienne, a pedal-less bike, offers a balanced experience, allowing little feet to stay in contact with the ground while controlling speed and direction.
This article will guide you through the various steps involved in teaching your child to master this safe and fun toy.
Right from the start, it's essential to choose the right size and model of draisienne, taking into account your child's age, weight and height.
Wooden, vintage models sit alongside more modern versions with brakes, for an experience closer to that of classic bicycles. We'll look at the importance of helmets and other safety equipment to ensure risk-free riding.
From leg position to walking rhythm, brake control and balance management, every aspect will be covered to ensure confident progress.

With its two wheels and handlebars, the draisienne offers a gentle learning experience. Children push forward with their feet and learn to maintain their balance. It's perfect before moving on to the next big step: cycling with pedals (and with honors 🎖️)!
### 🎡 The famous wheels: Useful or not?
Contrary to some preconceived ideas, wheels are not the enemy of learning if you use them intelligently. In fact, they can be a reassuring transition (remember your duck buoy when you couldn't swim 🦆 ) between the draisienne and the "grown-up" bike. In particular, they help you learn to pedal - important for learning to ride a bike, isn't it? 😉
### 🛠️ Saddle and handlebar adjustments: Not too high, not too low
Now to the details that make all the difference: the settings. For a successful experience, make sure the saddle is at the right height. The child should be able to put his feet flat on the ground (no ballet-style toes, eh 🩰). And the handlebars? About the same level as the saddle.
These are the little extras that give young cyclists the confidence they need to learn to ride. 🤗
👩🦳 For adults: Better late than never!
Who said learning to ride a bike was only for little kids? Not us! 😲

If you've never learned to pedal, or want to get back into it after years of taking a break (the best resolution you can make! 🎉 ), now's the time to jump in the saddle. Yes, even if the last time you touched a two-wheeler, it had cartoon stickers on it. 🤣
Think bucolic solo rides or family outings, lakeside picnics and discoveries of charming little villages. **Learning to ride a bike is also a way of exercising at your own pace**, without the pressure of performance. What's more, there's a whole community of cyclists waiting for you, ready to share their good tips (haven't you read all our practical advice on this medium yet? 😜 ).
In short, cycling is good for your body, your morale and your social ties. By the way, if you know a cycling fan, we've got plenty of [gift ideas for them](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/idee-cadeau-velo>).
So, if you're tempted but worried, stay with us: the next section is packed with tips to help you get started with peace of mind. 🧘
📚 Key stages in learning to ride a baby buggy through to a bicycle
Have you made the courageous choice to (re)take up cycling? Congratulations! 🥳 Now it's time to get practical. There are a few key steps to take to make sure everything goes like clockwork. Or rather without wheels... you get the idea!?! 😉
First, familiarize yourself with your bike.
Adjust the height of the saddle and handlebars to match your height, ensuring a comfortable and secure position. Next, take the time to exercise on flat, stable ground.
Start by sitting on the bike, with your feet touching the ground, and practicing your balance. This may sound simple, but it's a crucial first step to gaining confidence.
Don't forget the importance of helmets and other safety equipment. A well-fitting helmet can make all the difference in the event of a fall. Finally, remember that learning to ride can take time.
Every cyclist has his or her own pace, and it's important to respect yours. With patience and practice, you'll soon be ready to cover longer distances, explore new paths and take full advantage of the freedom that cycling offers. 🚴♂️💨

### 🚦 Getting started: Push the pedal!
The first step, of course, is to start the engine. You're not in a car, so you don't need a key! Put one foot on the ground and the other on the highest pedal. A little push, and off you go! Remember, momentum is your best friend: once you get going, everything becomes easier. As with dieting, the hardest part is getting started! 😂
### 🔄 Balance and circulation: driving straight without bumper cars
So, you're driving? That's great, but you also need to know how to drive straight. And yes, the road isn't a go-kart track! 🏎️ The secret to stable balance lies in your eyes. Stare at a point in the distance, and you'll see, your bike will follow the straight line. It's magical, like the first time you managed to make an egg stand upright (never tried it? There's a trick... 😏)!
### 🛑 Braking and stopping: knowing how to stop is just as important
We all love to feel a little breeze on our face, but we have to stop at some point. And there's no secret, it's all in the brakes. Here's a word of advice: learn to control your braking. Brake too hard and you'll crash, too gently and you'll end up in the scenery. Finding the right balance is like putting salt on French fries: you have to measure it out! 🍟
We'll look at how to manage [your bike's gears](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/utiliser-vitesses-velo>) later, first things first.
👨🎓 Why opt for a course with MCF (Moniteur Cycliste Français)
If our tips and tricks haven't yet turned you into a cycling whiz, don't panic! We've got a joker up our sleeve: cycling lessons with a Moniteur Cycliste Français (MCF). We had the pleasure of talking to [Julien Rebuffet](<https://www.getlokki.com/les-rois-de-la-reine/julien-rebuffet>), director of the Syndicat National des MCF, and he's got some convincing arguments. 😎
Did you say "personalized coaching"? Well, that's exactly what MCF offers. 🚴♂️

### 🎓 The benefits of taking a course with a professional
We're not going to beat around the bush: the pros change everything! [Taking a course with an MCF school or instructor](<https://moniteurcycliste.com/>) means benefiting from teaching methods tailored to your level and needs. Whether you're a parent looking to introduce your child to the joys of cycling, or an adult looking to get back into the swing of things, there's a course for you. 🚲
The pro is the human GPS that gets you from point A to point B, avoiding all the potholes. 🌟
### 🗺️ MCF Network: A cycling school around every corner
And best of all, you don't have to look far to find an MCF school! With over 1,200 Moniteurs Guides and 75 accredited schools throughout France, there's bound to be one near you.
From bike travel coaching to courses for all ages, the MCF network offers a variety of activities for budding and experienced cyclists alike. It's a bit like having a buddy who knows all the right places to go, except that he'll also teach you how to ride a bike. Who can beat that? 🤩