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Cycling in summer: how to avoid heatstroke?

5 min

On 14 Aug 2023 by Sébastien Bourru

Cycling in summer: how to <red>avoid heatstroke</red>?

The article in a nutshell

Get on your bike without fear of overheating! Discover the secrets to hydrating brilliantly, dressing to avoid overheating, and of course, choosing the right moment to pedal with panache. 🚴‍♂️💦

Ready to cycle in summer without ending up boiling? 🌡️ Come on, strap on your helmet, scroll down this article and let us guide you to refreshing bike outings, even when the mercury climbs! 🌞🚴‍♀️💨



💧 Hydration: the key to pedaling under the sun

💧 Hydration: the key to pedaling under the sun

You'd never leave your precious two-wheeler without lubrication, would you? 🔧 Similarly, our bodies need water to function optimally, especially when facing the summer heat. 🌞 Yes, it's time to talk seriously about hydration and its vital importance for all cyclists, whether novice or experienced. ### Drink before your throat begs 🥤 We know it, we say it, we repeat it: for optimal health, you need to hydrate! And above all, avoid waiting for thirst. When this sensation arises, it's often because our bodies have already depleted their water reserves. 😬 For short outings, a good old-fashioned water bottle will do the trick. But for longer efforts or in hot weather (we're thinking of you, heatwave ☀️), it may be worth turning to energy drinks. They provide not only the necessary hydration but also the electrolytes lost through perspiration. 💦 ![Homme sur un vélo en train de boire à la gourde](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/gourde_velo_6da7ceae91.jpg>) ### Recognizing and preventing dehydration 💧 On the road to dehydration, here are the signs not to be missed: - **🚰 Intense thirst**: If you're so thirsty you could drink a fountain, this is the first sign. - **🐫 Mouth drier than a desert**: Do your lips look like a camel's after a long walk? - 😓 **Sudden fatigue**: If you're feeling more exhausted than when climbing at the end of a run, watch out. - 🏕️ **Persistent skin fold**: If your skin is taking on the air of a poorly pitched tent, moisturize! - 👀 S **unken eyes and a dull look**: No, this isn't the "after-party" look, it's a warning cry. - 🌀 **Dizziness or disorientation**: If everything's spinning, it's not the Tour de France, but a sign not to be ignored. <br/> If any of these symptoms present themselves, find some shade, get out your water bottle and drink like there's no tomorrow! And remember, even on an electric bike, your human battery needs water to keep going!

🍉 Food: fuel for your summer outings

A well-nourished body is like a well-maintained bicycle: it will take you far without failing! 🚴‍♂️💨 Before you cycle in summer, think fuel! Not for your car, but for your body. Focus on complex carbohydrates (like pasta or rice) a few hours before your ride to provide your muscles with the energy they need. A banana a few minutes before saddling up can also give you a boost. 🍌 After the effort, it's time to recharge the batteries. Opt for proteins to repair your muscles (chicken, tofu, eggs) and carbohydrates to replenish your energy reserves. Don't forget to reward yourself with a little something sweet-after all, you've earned it! 🍪 ![Un heureux couple mangeant une collation à l'extérieur dans la forêt le jour de l'automne.](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/alimentation_velo_5482839aa5.jpg>)

👕 Choosing the right clothing for summer cycling

Cycling in summer means enjoying every ray of sunshine and feeling the breeze on your skin. But beware: inappropriate clothing can lead to overheating! 😓 Fortunately, a few sound tips can turn things around. ### Light, breathable clothing Whether it's a frantic run with friends or a leisurely stroll along your favorite route, [opting for the right gear](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/equipement-balade-famille-velo>), and in particular lightweight, breathable clothing, is essential. Today's technical fabrics allow optimal wicking of perspiration, while preserving an ideal body temperature. 🌬️ No more feeling sticky and clammy, you'll be able to pedal with a light mind! ### Sun protection: clothing and sun cream to protect your skin In addition to clothing, sun protection is a must for summer. And no, it's not just about getting a tan! 😎 UV rays can be particularly harmful to the skin, especially in the middle of the day. Opt for anti-UV-treated clothing and don't forget to apply sunscreen generously to exposed areas. 🧴 You know what they say? "Too much cream is better than too little!". So, we apply every two hours! 🕑

🚴 2 bonuses for the road, and pedaling no doubt!

When the sun is shining and the urge to pedal strikes, we all want to make the most of it. So, to brave the heat and avoid overheating, here are 2 tips to keep in mind on your handlebars! 🌡️ ![Vélo au bord de la mer à l'aube une fille seule](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/velo_lever_de_soleil_5c2b749def.jpg>) ### Favour early-morning or late-day outings Ah, those sweet moments when the sun is milder and the air is refreshing! Perfect timing for a bike ride. 🌅 In addition to the mild temperatures, these periods often offer a magnificent natural spectacle: sunrise or sunset. A real feast for the eyes and a motivating boost before you hit the road! A little secret between us: for my part, I've tried... well, let's just say that I've thought many times about getting up early to witness a magnificent sunrise. But, mysteriously, my pillow seems to have a magnetic power in the early hours of the morning! Bravo to those who have this morning discipline. I admire them, from the cozy comfort of my comforter! 😴 ### Avoiding intensity peaks By the way, for some of you, summer makes you want to cycle and excel in training. But it also suggests tempering your ardor to avoid heat stroke. When we exert ourselves intensely, our bodies generate more heat, increasing the risk of overheating. The solution? Adapt your pace: - keep up a steady pace, - take breaks to recharge with minerals - and always listen to your body. <br/> If you feel discomfort, slow down and hydrate generously! 💧🍉 (back to the first paragraph if you don't remember this part... unless you're reading this sentence for the 3rd time, break the loop! 🔄🚫🤣).
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About Sébastien Bourru

As an avid hiker, I analyze outdoor trends and explore the Internet to find the best tips and tricks on how to take on sports tourism.
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