1. An Inconvenient Truth - 2006
What's new?
This landmark documentary is one of the best-known documentaries on global warming. Starring former US Vice President Al Gore, it shows how rapidly the planet is warming due to greenhouse gas emissions. Through graphs and scientific data, this climate film demonstrates that humanity is changing its climate at an unprecedented rate, with disastrous consequences for the environment and global ecosystems. The documentary has been shown around the world, sparking debate on the urgent need to take action on climate change.
Why watch it?
It reminds us of the urgent need to act. Al Gore explains the mechanisms of global warming in a simple, visual way, making this documentary an excellent tool for understanding the basics of this crisis. If you want to understand the global climate stakes and the possible consequences of our inaction, this film is a must-see.
2. Tomorrow - 2015
What's new?
Directed by Cyril Dion and Melanie Laurent, Demain explores possible solutions to climate change. Unlike many documentaries that focus on coming disasters, this film takes an optimistic, forward-looking view. Dion and Laurent travel to several countries to meet innovative projects that prove it's possible to live differently, while reducing our ecological footprint. This documentary highlights concrete and inspiring ecological initiatives, from Denmark toIndia.
Why watch it?
If you're looking for inspiration, Demain is a documentary that will motivate you. It shows that there are viable, achievable solutions to global warming. By focusing on local and global projects, this documentary shows you how ordinary citizens are actively participating in the ecological transition.
3. Before the flood - 2016
What is it?
This film was produced and narrated by committed actor Leonardo DiCaprio. The documentary follows DiCaprio as he travels the world to see first-hand the impact of global warming on Arctic glaciers, devastated rainforests and threatened oceans. DiCaprio meets scientists and world leaders to understand the scale of the crisis, and seeks solutions to save the planet.
Why watch it?
First and foremost, Before the Flood highlights the responsibilities of major corporations and governments in this environmental crisis. This documentary film calls for global awareness and presents ways to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and begin the transition to clean energy.
4. Chasing Ice - 2012
What's new?
Directed by Jeff Orlowski, this documentary follows photographer James Balog on his mission to capture melting glaciers in the Arctic. Through his Extreme Ice Survey project, Balog uses special cameras to take photos of glaciers at different times, showing the impact of global warming in a visual and poignant way.
Why watch it?
The images are simply breathtaking. This documentary is visual proof of the scale of climate change. Thanks to spectacular images and the testimonies of scientists, it gives us a clear idea of what is happening in the most remote regions of the planet.
5. The 11th Hour - 2007
What's new?
Produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, this documentary looks at the impact of human activity on the planet and proposes solutions for a more sustainable future. The film delves into the history of the earth and humanity, examining the destruction of ecosystems and the depletion of natural resources.
Why watch it?
This climate film is a detailed analysis of the challenges we face, while highlighting ecological solutions that are not only necessary but possible. It raises awareness of the magnitude of the problem, while offering suggestions for action.
6. Ice on Fire - 2019
What's new?
Ice on Fire, directed by Leila Conners, explores theimpact of global warming, focusing specifically on melting ice and the solutions proposed to reverse the trend. The documentary showcases new technologies and innovative approaches to capturing CO2 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Why watch it?
It's a film that offers an insight into solutions to global warming, while introducing the scientists at the forefront of this battle. If you're looking to learn more about the technologies that can help save the planet, this documentary is a must-see.
7. A Plastic Ocean - 2016
What is it?
Although it doesn't focus directly on global warming, A Plastic Ocean explores the consequences of plastic pollution, a problem linked to climate disruption. The documentary follows researchers and activists as they fight to save the oceans from devastatingplastic impact.
Why watch it?
Theocean is an essential part of the global climate system. This documentary reminds us that plastic pollution exacerbates the effects of global warming and significantly affects biodiversity. Climate change and plastic pollution are inextricably linked, and this film helps us to understand this connection.
8. The True Cost - 2015
What is it?
This documentary focuses on the fashion industry and its devastating effects on the environment. Although fast fashion may seem a distant topic from global warming, this film shows how the production of cheap clothes contributes to the depletion of natural resources, water pollution and increased greenhouse gas emissions.
Why watch it?
This film highlights the environmental impact of our consumption habits. It encourages us to rethink our lifestyles and adopt more sustainable choices to slow climate change.
9. Our Planet - 2019
What's new?
Produced by David Attenborough, this documentary offers a glimpse of the planet 's most fascinating ecosystems and habitats while exploring the effects of global warming. The film focuses onhumanity's impact on biodiversity, while calling for urgent action to protect nature.
Why watch it?
With spectacular images of flora and fauna, Our Planet reminds us just how fragile nature is, and how climate change is affecting all forms of life on Earth. This film is a true ode to the beauty of our planet and a call to save biodiversity.
10. 2040 - 2019
What's new?
In 2040, director Damon Gameau imagines a future in which solutions to combat global warming are put in place. This documentary presents an optimistic vision and proposes scenarios where humanity lives in a more sustainable world.
Why watch it?
This film inspires and proposes practical solutions to be implemented for a greener future. 2040 is a hope-filled documentary that gives a different perspective from other films on the climate crisis, showing that ecological transition is possible if we commit to it now.
11. Don't Look Up - 2021
Although Don't Look Up is a fictional film, it takes a satirical look at the world's indifference to environmental catastrophes, in this case a comet threatening to destroy the Earth. The film is a scathing critique of the management of the ecological crisis and the global political response to serious threats such as global warming.
Why watch it?
This Netflix film highlights inaction in the face of clear signs of crisis. Although a satirical comedy, Don't Look Up resonates as a mirror of current inertia in the face of climate threats.
12. Oceans - 2009
This documentary by Jacques Perrin and Jacques Cluzaud plunges us into the heart of the oceans and their wonders. But it also draws an alarming picture of how global warming is threatening these fragile ecosystems. By exploring the depths of the sea, Océans highlights the need to protect our oceans to preserve biodiversity and limit the effects of climate change.
Why watch it?
It raises awareness of the importance of the oceans in regulating the climate, while demonstrating their fragility in the face of pollution and climate disruption. A breathtaking immersion, followed by a realization of the importance of protecting these vital spaces for the planet.
13. Home - 2009
Reality and beauty meet in this documentary by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Home offers an overview of the planet, from its majestic landscapes to the way humanity has impacted its environment. The film shows the link between man and nature, and the dangers facing the Earth if we don't change the way we live.
Why watch it?
It offers a breathtaking visual perspective on the planet, while clearly exposing the consequences of human activities on theenvironment and climate. The message is simple: the planet is in danger, and we must act.
14. The Snow Panther - 2021
Directed by Marie Amiguet, this documentary follows nature photographer Vincent Munier's adventure into the Tibetan mountains in search of the snow leopard. Although focused on wildlife, it also shows us how global warming is affecting the most remote regions and the species that live there.
Why watch it?
Beyond the beauty of the images, this film raises awareness of the climate changes affecting even the wildest parts of our planet. It encourages us to reflect on our responsibility towards endangered species and natural habitats.
15. Our (in)habitable planet - 2021
What's new?
"Un monde inhabitable" is a poignant documentary film directed by Marc de la Ménardière and Nicolas Lormeau. The film follows a group of scientists, experts and activists on an expedition to bear witness to the impact of global warming on regions already severely affected. The film shows us areas of the world, from the Maldives to the Kiribati Islands, that are disappearing under rising seas, highlighting the fact that some populations are already condemned to flee their homelands because of climate change.
Why watch it?
"Uninhabitable World is an urgent call to collective responsibility. Through the poignant testimonies of inhabitants and scientists, this film shows us realities that are too often ignored. It helps us understand thatclimate impact is not a future phenomenon, but is already affecting lives today. This realistic documentary urges us to act before it's too late, prompting us to envision a new world, where ecological solutions must be urgently put in place to save what can still be saved.
To remember:
- The film shows the dramatic impact of rising sea levels, one of the direct consequences of global warming.
- The Kiribati Islands and other island nations are on the front line, threatened by increasingly violent climatic phenomena.
What can we learn from this article?
✅ These documentary films show the scale of the effects of global warming on the planet.
✅ They provide innovative solutions to slow climate change.
✅ Each film invites us to rethink our consumption habits and act collectively to save the Earth.
Some sources on this subject:
- Book: This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein.
- Podcast: Climate Reality by Al Gore.
- YouTube video: Greta Thunberg's TED Talk on the climate emergency.
For info 🧑💻:
The latest report from the IPCC*(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change*) warns that the planet is warming faster and faster, a warning that gives even more weight to climate documentary films.
**A personality to follow on this subject:
Greta Thunberg, the icon of the climate struggle, continues to lead her fight and raise awareness of the climate emergency among the younger generation.