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Good environmental news: assessment and outlook for 2025

4 min

On 27 Jan 2025 by Frédérique Josse

Good environmental news: assessment and outlook for 2025

The article in a nutshell

2025: a turning point for the planet? We'd like to think so, to be honest, given the mess we hear and see everywhere else, both at home and on the other side of the Atlantic.

But yes, sisisi, there is good news to share. In fact, the year 2025 promises to be crucial in the fight against climate change and the adoption of more sustainable practices.

With the impetus of the European Union, the support of central banks, and advances in financial markets, the global ecological trajectory is progressing (OUF) despite international tensions. So that's tipar for the balance sheet and outlook.



Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

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In 2024, France recorded a 2.4% drop in greenhouse gas emissions, continuing a trend that began the previous year. This decrease, reported by Citepa, (Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Études de la Pollution Atmosphérique) reflects the effects of European climate policies, whose Biodiversity Pact, adopted in 2024, requires the restoration of 20% of natural habitats by 2030.

At global level, however, emissions continue to rise slightly (+0.8% in 2024), reminding us that progress remains insufficient to limit warming to 1.5°C. The European Union, a pioneer in the fight against climate change, therefore continues to lead ambitious initiatives, supported by players such as the European Commission and the European Parliament.

Biodiversity on the rise

biodiversité bonnes nouvelles

On the biodiversity front, nature restoration is gaining fresh impetus thanks to local and international initiatives. In France, the European Biodiversity Pact requires member states to restore 20% of degraded ecosystems. Partnerships with NGOs such as Reforest'Action are helping to reforest areas affected by intensive logging.

But there are other buenas noticias (I took spanish LV2 don't criticize), here they are in no particular order:

♻️ This year, France celebrated the successful reintegration of the beaver, whose population has reached 25,000 individuals after fifty years of rehabilitation.

♻️ Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by 30.6% between August 2023 and July 2024, with 6,288 square kilometers of primary forest cleared, compared with 9,070 km² the previous year.

♻️ Accidental catches of dolphins in the Bay of Biscay have decreased thanks to reinforced protection measures, contributing to the preservation of these cetaceans.

♻️ More than 750 new species of plants, animals and fungi were identified in Australia in 2023, highlighting the unsuspected richness of Australia's biodiversity.

♻️ The Iberian lynx population increased from 76 individuals in 2022 to 83 in 2023, thanks to targeted conservation efforts.

♻️ In November 2024, a French court annulled a gold mining project in French Guiana, highlighting the environmental risks and exceptional biodiversity of the region.

Economy: between instability and good news for greener markets


Well, it's not escaped your notice that Europe and the USA have been in a bit of a mess politically, and therefore economically, de facto. Political instability in Europe, with crises such as the **dissolution of the National Assembly in France **and early elections in Germany, is slowing down the adoption of new energy transition laws. In the United States, the re-election of Donald Trump has also intensified trade tensions, causing tariffs to rise and slowing down international collaboration, particularly on technological exchanges, which are essential to the fight against global warming.

Monetary policy challenges

Central banks, notably the ECB and the Fed, have had to navigate between controlling inflation and supporting green investment. Monetary policies aim to bring relative inflation closer to target, but adjustments remain complex. Economists stress the importance of making adjustments to maintain relative market stability while financing the ecological transition.

BUT... there is some good news:

♻️ In 2024, the European Investment Bank (EIB) approved financing totalling 5.8 billion euros, supporting projects ranging from clean energy in Poland to post-disaster reconstruction in Italy.

♻️ Of this funding, 2.2 billion euros has been allocated to the energy and water sectors, supporting projects such as large-scale solar power in Croatia and hydropower in Austria and Poland.

♻️ The government has unveiled priority areas for future offshore wind farms, as part of a national effort to decarbonize and protect biodiversity. These plans aim to achieve 18 GW of installed wind power capacity by 2035 and 45 GW by 2050, covering 14 zones, including three in the Mediterranean.

♻️ In 2025, the European Central Bank (ECB) maintained interest rates favorable to green investments, thanks to targeted monetary easing measures. These initiatives have enabled companies to finance renewable energy projects. In France, for example, SMEs in the energy transition sector saw their financing increase by 15% compared with 2024.

Environment: legislation to speed up the transition

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♻️ On January 1, 2025, France banned the use of plastic food containers in school canteens. This measure, part of the country's anti-waste law, aims to reduce plastic waste and encourage the use of sustainable materials. According to the Ministry of the Environment, this transition will reduce plastic waste by 10% as early as this year.

♻️ Adopted in 2024, the European Biodiversity Pact requires member states to restore at least 20% of degraded ecosystems by 2030. By 2025, several pilot projects have been launched, notably in Spain and Germany, to protect wetlands and forests.

♻️ Brazil has signed a global pact to preserve forests, reinforcing its commitment on the international stage.

Renewable energies: a fast-growing sector

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Renewable energies continue to grow at a steady pace. According to the International Energy Agency, more than 5,500 gigawatts of new capacity will be installed by 2030. In Europe, solar and wind power projects are enjoying notable success, supported by monetary easing measures from the European Central Bank.

Innovation and investment

Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in energy optimization, particularly in reducing infrastructure losses.

AI adjusts heating and cooling systems in real time, reducing energy consumption and the carbon footprint of existing buildings.

It is used to monitor natural resources such as permafrost, prevent fires and protect marine biodiversity.

It optimizes industrial and logistics processes to reduce waste and improve energy efficiency.

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Meanwhile, in France, start-ups are developing solutions that enable companies to better monitor and reduce their carbon footprint, thereby contributing to the zero-emissions target set for 2050.

Deepki: specialized in building energy optimization, it uses AI to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the real estate sector.

Enerbrain uses AI to optimize the management of energy consumption in buildings, automatically adjusting heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

GreenFlex provides AI-based digital solutions to help companies reduce their carbon footprint and improve their energy performance.

Renewable energies on the rise worldwide

♻️ The International Energy Agency has reported that by 2030, new installed renewable energy capacity will reach 5,500 gigawatts.

♻️ By 2025, Europe will continue to invest massively in solar and wind power, supported by monetary policies and national subsidies. In France, electricity production from renewable energies increased by 18% in one year.

♻️ In 2025, Norway became the first country in the world to ban the sale of combustion-powered cars. This success, well ahead of the European target of 2035, shows that a rapid transition is possible with coherent policies. It is inspiring other countries, notably the Netherlands and Sweden, which are considering similar bans. France... clearly, we're not there yet, but it's not Christmas either!

♻️ Emissions linked to business travel remain a major challenge. Solutions such as fleets of electric vehicles or car-sharing platforms, encouraged by reduced interest rates thanks to the European Central Bank's monetary easing measures, are facilitating this transition. In Germany, the success of zero-emission transport illustrates the effectiveness of sustainable policies.

Some sources for exploring good news on the environment


Books: 1000 bonnes nouvelles pour voir le monde autrement, Le Média positif (2024)

Articles: Des sources d'espoir pour la biodiversité et l'environnement, Le MondePodcasts: The Green Optimist, on climate and energy trendsYouTube videos: Zéro Émission : Objectif 2050 by Arte, exploring the role of technological innovations.

News to keep an eye on

Early elections in Germany, scheduled for 2025, could redefine the environmental priorities of a country still considered a European leader in the energy transition. This political instability is a major challenge for the European Union, where cooperation is essential to achieve climate objectives.

A personality to watch: Fatih Birol

Fatih Birol Directeur exécutif de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie

Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, Fatih Birol is an influential voice in the climate debate. He advocates coherent policies between central banks, financial markets and governments to accelerate the transition. His vision, combining renewable energies and technologies such as artificial intelligence, is a source of inspiration for decision-makers and businesses alike.

A personality to follow: Christiana Figueres

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Christiana Figueres, former head of negotiations for the Paris Agreement, is a leading voice on the global climate outlook. She campaigns for global policies aligned with green growth, supported by central banks and technological innovations. She is also a fervent advocate of the integration of artificial intelligence into climate solutions, such as renewable energy management and green infrastructure.

What do we take away from this article?

✅ Renewable energies and biodiversity initiatives are progressing.

✅ Central banks are playing a key role in financing the transition, despite monetary policy challenges.

✅ Political instability in Europe and global trade tensions are holding back some progress.

✅ Artificial intelligence and technological innovations offer promising solutions for a sustainable future.

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About Frédérique Josse

Every day, I try to understand how tourism is evolving. I write about sustainable tourism, the outdoors and the circular economy.
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