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5 common misconceptions about paddling

2 min

On 28 May 2024 by Frédérique Josse

5 common misconceptions about paddling

The article in a nutshell

All too often, outdoor activities seem inaccessible, reserved for an ultra-sporty elite, accustomed to the sometimes intimidating contact with nature.

It's time to deconstruct the prejudices surrounding these leisure activities/disciplines, to show that they are within everyone's reach.

Today, we focus on preconceived ideas about paddling!



Myth No. 1: "Paddleboarding doesn't require any effort".

Myth No. 1: "Paddleboarding doesn't require any effort".

Illustration Paddle.jpg

Contrary to popular belief, paddleboarding is a complete workout that calls on many muscles.

Maintaining balance on the board requires the use of trunk, leg and arm muscles. What's more, paddling strengthens the cardiovascular system.

According to an American study, a paddling session can burn between **305 and 430 calories **per hour for the average person. That's roughly comparable to brisk walking!

Myth no. 2: "Paddleboarding is only a leisure sport".

Une femme avec sa pagaie sur un paddle

That's not true! In fact, the sport has been practiced competitively in France since 2009, under the supervision of the French Surfing Federation.

What are paddleboard competitions like? There are short sprints, but also** marathons on the water**, which involve both *strategyand endurance*.

In fact, the last paddle world championships will be held in Les Sables d'Olonnes, France, in 2023. And just so you know, the French won the title for the third time last year!

"Myth No. 3. Paddle is only for adults".

paddle enfants

There's no strict minimum age for starting to paddle, but in general, children can start as soon as they can swim and are comfortable in the water, often around the age of 6 or 7.

It all depends on their physical development, their confidence in the water and their ability to follow safety instructions.

To get them off to a safe start, there are a few rules: wear a lifejacket suited to their size and weight, choose **broader, more stable boards **to facilitate their balance, start in very calm waters and be accompanied by an adult, especially during the first few sessions.

Myth No. 4: "Paddling is dangerous

Une femme prête à faire du paddle en mer

As with any water sport, there are obviously risks involved, such as falling in the water, colliding with another paddler, getting a cramp or being swept away from the shore.

But risks are very rare when you start paddling with a teacher or on a calm lake, which is certainly the best way to start.

Finally, there are a few tricks you can use to avoid risks: wear a lifejacket, use a leash (a rope connecting the ankle to the board), check the weather conditions before setting off, and practice only in suitable areas.

**Myth 5 "Paddleboarding can only be practised on calm lakes".

Un homme se prenant en selfie sur un paddle

Paddleboarding is actually quite an adaptable sport, and can be practiced in a wide variety of aquatic environments.

There are, of course, rivers and streams, which can be very calm, but also quite extreme, depending on the flow and the presence of rapids. In fact, there's a sub-discipline of whitewater paddling that requires advanced skills but offers a more adrenaline-fuelled experience.

You can also paddle on the sea or ocean. It can be a leisurely stroll on the water, or in surf mode, where paddlers catch waves. Here again, the technique is different and requires more strength and agility than on a calm lake.

But paddling can also be practised on urban canals, inland waterways or even mangroves- why not!

In Paris, for example, the Seine Paddle Club offers regular sessions on the Seine, to see the city from a different angle.

Where to paddle?

Where to paddle?

Here are the best spots

About Frédérique Josse

Every day, I try to understand how tourism is evolving. I write about sustainable tourism, the outdoors and the circular economy.
Learn more

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