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5 common misconceptions about snowshoes.

4 min

On 11 Jan 2024 by Frédérique Josse

<red> 5 common misconceptions</red> about <red>snowshoes</red>.

The article in a nutshell

All too often, outdoor activities still seem inaccessible, reserved for an ultra-sporty elite, accustomed to the sometimes intimidating contact with nature.

And yet, because it combines sport and nature, outdoor activities are considered to be one of the most beneficial practices for mental and physical health.

It's time to deconstruct the prejudices surrounding these leisure activities/disciplines, to show that they are within **everyone's reach. **

Our new section "5 preconceived ideas about..." aims to demystify these prejudices.

It's an opportunity to give concrete information and lots of **crunchybonus info*, to make you want** to explore France** like never before.

Rent, move, enjoy!


5 Common misconceptions about snowshoes!

*Often misunderstood, sometimes underestimated, **snowshoeing** isn't just for bearded trappers in remote forests! The practice of walking on snow with **snowshoes strapped to your feet** has deeper origins than the footprints it leaves in the powder. As far back as **prehistoric times**, nomadic hunter-gatherers used [flat boards](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/histoire-de-la-raquette-a-neige>) attached to the bottom of their shoes to move around and carry game. They were later exported by the North American Indians and the Sami (an indigenous people of northern Europe). Today, the practice is accessible to all, and can be enjoyed in all of [France's finest ski resorts](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/top-10-raquettes-france>). Let's take a look at this **poetic** object.* ![raquettes de neige montagne ](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/raquettes_de_neige_montagne_5_idees_recues_98735d6b09.jpg>)

Misconception 1: "Snowshoes are better without sticks".

Yes, it's possible to walk with [snowshoes\]\(How to <blue is="span">choose snowshoes</blue> ?) without poles, that's obvious! But these little objects are very **useful**, especially when the snow is **heavy**. Walking on snow, even with snowshoes, requires good **balance**, and it's at this precise moment that the two extensions of the arms that make up the poles help to **facilitate movement**. They are all the more indispensable if the route is very hilly ⛰.

Misconception 2: "It's impossible to go off-piste with snowshoes".

Of course not! Because of the way they work, snowshoes excel **off-piste** (subject to certain slope and condition limits). It's precisely this **versatility** that makes snowshoes particularly practical in winter, especially when you want to explore less-frequented territory. But there are two important considerations to keep in mind, especially when it comes to [safety](<https://strapi.getlokki.com/admin/content-manager/collectionType/api::media-article.media-article/74?plugins[i18n][locale]=fr>). Don't venture out without \*\*in-depth \*\*knowledge of the terrain, or opt for the services of an **off-piste guide**, and be vigilant about the**environment**. Many areas are regulated to preserve the flora and fauna buried beneath the snow you're walking on! Don't forget to carry an avalanche transceiver[(ARVA](<https://www.arva-equipment.com/fr/>)) if you're exploring high-risk areas!

Misconception 3: "You need a guide to go snowshoeing".

A snowshoeing adventure doesn't necessarily have to be accompanied by an experienced guide. There are **apps** to **guide** you: Visorando, Camp to Camp, AltitudeRando, TraceGPS, Randogps, Rando-marche, Eskapad Rando, Openrunner and Skitour offer a variety of functions: **route** validation, availability of **GPS tracks**, user **comments**, detailed fact sheets, search tools by region or activity... Each of these sites offers its own advantages, whether in terms of **route variety**, geographical specificity or the wealth of information provided. The other solution is simply to ask for maps of dedicated snowshoe trails in the **resort**. In general, there are **routes for beginners**, **intermediates** and **experts**.

Misconception 4: "Snowshoeing is less fun than skiing".

The belief that snowshoeing is synonymous with a **less entertaining** experience than skiing is as solid as slush in April... 🏔. In reality, it's a **different** approach to winter, allowing a **slower**, more **detailed** **immersion** in nature. The pleasure lies more in **contemplation** and**exploration** of sublime landscapes, rather than pure speed. In fact, you can increase speed if you wish, just as you can when running. The exercise is all the more sporty if the snow is powdery, as you need to lift your legs so that the snowshoe follows your movement. In fact, [different types of snowshoes](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/comment-choisir-ses-raquettes-a-neige>) are available to ensure perfect flotation, even in the deepest snow.

Misconception 5: "Snowshoeing is a solitary activity".

Of course, if you want to go all *"The Revenant"*, if you're as crazy as Leo. But group outings are also commonplace in the world of snowshoeing. You can go out with friends or **strangers**. The discussions, the laughter and the falls create a kind of **out-of-time parenthesis**, where you reconnect with yourself, with others and with nature. It's a great way to open your mind and your eyes to the world 🌎. Finally, snowshoes are for **everyone**, including the elderly and [children](<https://strapi.getlokki.com/admin/content-manager/collectionType/api::media-article.media-article/75?plugins[i18n][locale]=fr>), as they require no particular level of sport and are very ergonomic to use. A study by the [Pôle ressources national sur les sports de nature](<https://www.sportsdenature.gouv.fr/raquette-a-neige/observation/pratiquants>) carried out in 2016 already affirmed that *"snowshoeing is a mixed activity"*, made up of 51% women and popular with all age categories "30% 15-29 year olds, 40% 30-49 year olds and 30% 50-70 year olds".

The king of snowshoes

![stephane ricard champion de raquettes de neige](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/stephane_ricard_champion_de_raquettes_de_neige_1ddebffde1.jpeg>) Stéphane Ricard, 37, is a primary school teacher in Gap. Originally from the Hautes-Alpes region, he has been snowshoeing for 15 years. He has competed in nine world championships and has never been outside the top 5 since 2012! He placed 4ᵉ at the 2022 championships, the competition having been won by Argentina's Javier Carriqueo.

The dingo number

![le chiffre dingo - 5 idées recues sur ](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/le_chiffre_dingo_5_idees_recues_sur_83f9f2c96b.jpg>)**10 000 !** That's the number of kilometers covered by French snowshoers in one season. Enough distance to go from Paris to the Himalayas and back. Who would have thought that France was such a vast playground for these snow explorers?

Snowshoeing prescription

![ordonnance santé physique](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/ordonnance_sante_physique_02c5875b31.jpg>) \*\*Physical health : \*\* 💪 Strengthening legs, buttocks and calves ❤️ Cardio-Training 🕺 Balance and coordination \*\*Mental health : \*\* 🧘 Stress reduction ❄️ Winter training to keep you active all year round In short, snowshoeing is a **breath of fresh air for the mind**. The vast snow-covered landscapes, the soothing silence and the pure smell of winter make every outing a **natural** therapy. The perfect balance between physical challenge and mental break.
A bit of sledging?

A bit of sledging?

Come on, let's glide on the powder!

About Frédérique Josse

Every day, I try to understand how tourism is evolving. I write about sustainable tourism, the outdoors and the circular economy.
Learn more

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