Paris - Mont Saint Michel by bike, on the Véloscénie itinerary

6 min

On 28 Aug 2023 by Sébastien Bourru

Paris - Mont Saint Michel by bike, on the <blue>Véloscénie</blue> itinerary

The article in a nutshell

Ride in style from Paris to Mont Saint-Michel, discovering hidden treasures, picturesque villages and gastronomic delights along the famous Véloscénie. From the pulsating heart of Paris to the silent streets of the Mont in the morning, get ready for an absolutely epic two-wheeled adventure!

Well, strap on your cycling shoes and embark on a 450 km journey in 10 thrilling stages. Spanning 11 days and 10 nights, the Véloscénie promises an epic ride you won't soon forget! On your marks, get set, pedal! 🚴‍♂️🍃🏞

🌆 From Paris to Versailles: the royal departure

🏰 From Versailles to Chartres: castles and heritage

🌳 From Chartres to Nogent-le-Rotrou: Diving into the heart of Perche

🌊 From Nogent-le-Rotrou to Mont Saint-Michel: Normandy beckons!

🏁 The mythical finish at Mont Saint-Michel

Royal wheels

Royal wheels

Feel like royalty with every pedal stroke.


About Sébastien Bourru

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