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Our tips for safe travel by bike

5 min

On 08 Feb 2024 by Sébastien Bourru

Our tips for <green>safe travel</green> by bike

The article in a nutshell

Embracing the fresh air, feeling the freedom, bikepacking is more than just an escape: it's a quest for adventure. But with the excitement of the unknown comes the need for preparation.

This article provides a road map for safe bikepacking on trails and roads. From careful equipment selection to planning a safe route, discover key tips for a carefree getaway. 😎



🚴 Preparing your bike is already fun

🚴 Preparing your bike is already fun

The first step is to select the right bike for the terrain ahead. - For long stretches of asphalt, a road bike with a lightweight frame and thin tires ensures perfect glide. - Trail enthusiasts opt for a rugged mountain bike, with notched tires ready to bite the dust. - Those looking for versatility turn to the gravel, a hybrid that combines the agility of a road bike with the resilience of a mountain bike. <br/> ![velo-arbre.jpg](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/velo_arbre_bb33915d38.jpg>) When it comes to bikepacking in the city or on mixed trails, an electric bike can add a spark to the journey. It offers a welcome boost, especially when the weight of panniers starts to weigh down. Talking about bikes also means stressing the importance of the saddle. The wrong seat is a recipe for discomfort. The accessories are not to be outdone: ergonomic handlebars and the right shoes are the silent companions of a successful escapade. But before you hit the road, it's time for a check-up. Checking the tires means avoiding impromptu stops (and unwelcome scratches 🥴). A look at the battery for electric bikes ensures you don't end up in manual mode sooner than expected. Finally, an inspection of the frame, wheels and luggage weight adjustment means you can set off with confidence, ready to ride to new horizons.

🎒 The right equipment for the future

[Good equipment](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/equipement-bikepacking>) makes the difference between a simple bike outing and a real bikepacking adventure. Each item chosen must meet a simple criterion: utility and reliability (and weight! Any bikepacker knows that! 😅 ). **Panniers and bags locked with padlocks** deter the curious and protect belongings. Clothing needs to be weather-appropriate and comfortable for long hours in the saddle, while a sturdy helmet keeps your head safe. For unexpected repairs, **a compact** but comprehensive **tool kit** is a must. You can avoid breakdowns that could spoil your ride. An efficient hydration system is non-negotiable: it keeps the body moving, especially when the sun is beating down. As for lighting, it's not just a question of visibility; it's a beacon in the night for escapades into the twilight. Good lighting lets you know you're there, so you can continue on your way with confidence, even when the sun goes down.

⛺ Bivouac in complete safety

The choice of camping or bivouac equipment has a direct impact on the outdoor experience. A tent must be both lightweight and resistant to the vagaries of the weather. Sleeping bags, meanwhile, need to match the season: warm for cool nights, lighter for summer evenings. Sleeping mats provide that extra touch of comfort (especially after a certain age! 🧐🤣). **Quality items are an investment** for starry nights, and compact equipment optimizes space and weight, two key elements in bikepacking. Tent locks aren't commonplace, but securing your camp remains a concern. Some cyclists choose to tie their bikes to a tree or their tent to deter opportunistic thieves.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Ride as a tribe and never lose sight of each other

Riding in a tribe strengthens bonds and creates lasting memories. And when it comes to including children in the adventure, safety becomes the priority (it already was, but now... 🫡). ![fillette-velo.jpg](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/fillette_velo_939e1e44d3.jpg>) Choosing the right bike for the youngest riders requires attention: **size, type and ease of use** are the basic criteria. Equipment should follow the same guideline, with well-fitting helmets, reflective vests and lights to ensure that every member of the family is visible and safe. To ensure that the trip is fun all the way, **regular breaks, activities and games** adapted to children's ages **are incorporated**. A guide to cycling adventures with children, for example, includes natural treasure hunts or quizzes on the environment you'll be visiting, to educate as well as entertain. Strategies for a successful trip take into account the limitations and needs of young cyclists. The distances covered each day are adapted to their pace, avoiding fatigue and maintaining morale. With careful preparation and an approach focused on safety and fun, riding with a tribe is a great experience for everyone.

🌐 Follow the route in the most beautiful way

Modern navigation tools, such as GPS and mobile apps dedicated to cyclists, play a crucial role in securing a route. These technologies map out the route to be taken, estimate journey times and even reveal points of interest along the way (feeling peckish? 😋 ). [Hexplo](<https://app.hexplo.fr/home>) presents itself as the ideal road companion for bikepacking enthusiasts. This platform offers the opportunity to meticulously plan one's trip, select two-wheel-friendly itineraries and access detailed maps. The service promises travelers never to lose track of their adventure, and to make the most of every pedal stroke (and avoid the famous "do you know where you're going?" along the way 😅).
safe & fun cycling

safe & fun cycling

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About Sébastien Bourru

As an avid hiker, I analyze outdoor trends and explore the Internet to find the best tips and tricks on how to take on sports tourism.
Learn more

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