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"I dream of putting the world on pause "

2 min

On 28 Jan 2024

"I dream of <blue>putting the world on pause </blue>"

The article in a nutshell

Because current events are all too often anxiety-provoking,

That the environmental cause deserves to be sublimated by positive discourse.

We've come up with "Les Tribunes positives". Each month, an author will share his or her utopia, borrowing the famous phrase of a great "hopeful", Martin Luther King.

In January, we give the floor to Hélène Binet, Director of Communications at makesense.



I dream of putting the world on pause

I dream of putting the world on pause

*I dream of putting the world on pause* *Stop stalling for time* *What's the point of grabbing minutes and seconds* *Work more, earn more, consume more?* *At this rate, our mad race is already lost* *Strain, tear, life-threatening prognosis* *It's time to accept our loss* *I dream of suspending the clocks, emptying the diaries* *To free our minds from the incessant weight of haste* *Let's rediscover the tempo of walking or cycling* *Let's listen to our heartbeat as it accelerates up hills* *Breathe in, breathe out, recover* *Please, let time slip away* *The verb "to marvel" is so beautiful, conjugated in the present tense* *I dream of letting the wind carry us* *Leading us down dark alleys and byways* *Forget our destination, let ourselves drift* *"Itinérer", "errancer", "flânerêver"... there are so many words to invent.* *Let's revisit the etymology of our Odysseys* *The future will be simple or it won't be* *Let's learn to unburden ourselves* *I dream of putting the world on pause* *To see screens turn off and utopias turn on* *To meet the men and women who take other roads* *Inventing epics where no one is left behind* *Let's contemplate the ordinary, let ourselves be surprised* *Redraw the journey of simplicity* *We must accept to lose ourselves in order to find ourselves again.*

A positive article by Hélène Binet

![helene binet.jpg](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/helene_binet_1462c51d66.jpg>) Communications Director for [makesense](<https://makesense.org/>), an association that helps people get **moving** on**environmental** issues, Hélène Binet is also a [passionate bike traveler](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/helene-binet-makesense>). Endowed with an immense sense of storytelling and a pen that's both poetic and committed, Hélène contributes to the creation of content aimed at helping people live differently, with ever greater joy and pleasure. <u>Check out her nuggets:</u> 💚 [Chiche](<https://chiche.makesense.org/media>), the new media from Makesense 💚 [Grand écart\]\(https://chiche.makesense.org/media/category/grand-ecart-le-podcast-qui-donne-envie-de-parler-des-sujets-qui-fachent ), a podcast for talking about angry subjects. 💚 Les [gangsters du bien](<https://france.makesense.org/citoyens/passer-a-laction/>), to help all those who want to get moving. 💚 [Paumé.e.s](<https://france.makesense.org/citoyens/s-engager/paumes/>), the community for those who have more questions than answers.
On the move!

On the move!

And we're off on an adventure

About Frédérique Josse

Every day, I try to understand how tourism is evolving. I write about sustainable tourism, the outdoors and the circular economy.
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