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Aloha Experience

Aloha Experience

Certified by Lokki 4.8/5 Google • 115 reviews

125 Rue Clemenceau, Pléneuf-Val-André, France
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Aloha Experience
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Bike Rental start from VAL ANDRE

Bike Rental start from VAL ANDRE

€ 24/day

LOCATION KAYAK,SURF, STAND UP PADDLE beach of Sables d'or les pins

LOCATION KAYAK,SURF, STAND UP PADDLE beach of Sables d'or les pins

€ 27/day

bike rental start from Sables d'or les pins

bike rental start from Sables d'or les pins

€ 26/day

For more infos


Bienvenue !

Nous proposons à la location une gamme complète de vélos , stand up paddle et kayak

Nos magasin est situé en plein de cœur station, à deux coups de pédales de la voie verte et proche de la plage.

Profitez de votre séjour en Bretagne pour faire le plein de grand air frais iodé ! Démarrez à vélo de notre magasin pour découvrir le long de la "velomaritime" ,les paysages superbes du cap Erquy , sables d'or les pins et cap Fréhel.

Envie de sensations fortes ? nous sommes proches des spots de surf, windsurf et kitesurf de la baie. Ne ratez pas la bonne session, nous louons les planches , sup ,combinaisons et kayak

NOUVEAU ! vous pouvez reservez votre vélo en départ de l'agence de SABLES d'OR LES PINS !


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Reviews on Aloha Experience


Charlie McCarthy



Very positive experience here at Aloha ! My friend and I rented an e bike and a regular bike for 24 hours . We were able to follow the guidance given to us at the shop to cycle the Velo Maritime. Its a great way to experience the coast line here which is really beautiful. The bikes were fine for what we wanted ( doing around 40K a day, stopping for photos and snacks). The electric one had plenty of power and a good gear selection. It is is quite hilly so I would recommend electric if you are not an intermediate / advanced cyclist. The downhills are really fun. There is lots to see and I would recommend bringing swim gear as there are some beautiful beaches on the route. I liked the shop so much I went back and bought a wetsuit (I'm from Ireland, you need one here !!). Merci to Aloha.


silvia viglino



Functional e-bikes, useful maps and precious reccomendations: if you fancy an immersion into the breath-taking surroundigs of pleneuf, this Is definitely your place. Plus kindness and generosity of the owner, thanks a lot!


Heather Willens



Wonderful place, with excellent bikes and very helpful with the routes, maps and advice.


Nick Marsh



Hired a kayak. Excellent service and price. The assistants were very helpful and spoke fluent English.

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