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SkiTruck CCAS Serre-Chevalier

SkiTruck CCAS Serre-Chevalier

Certified by Lokki 4.1/5 Google • 260 reviews

Centre CCAS - Le Monêtier-les-Bains, Le Coin, Le Monêtier-les-Bains, France
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SkiTruck CCAS Serre-Chevalier
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Village vacances CCAS du Monêtier les Bains - 07 66 03 85 59

Le magasin se situe peu après l'accueil, à droite de la piscine.

Nous avons trois gammes de matériel de ski alpin adulte :

- Les skis Bronze sont très souples et s'adressent aux skieurs de niveau débutant à intermédiaire

- Les skis Argent sont un peu plus rigides et s'adressent à tous types de skieurs

- Les skis Or sont des skis offrant les meilleures sensations, soit sur piste soit en all-mountain (choix à faire en fin de réservation) et s'adressent aux skieurs intermédiaires à confirmés.

Nous conseillons aux débutants de prendre environ 15cm de moins que leur taille et aux intermédiaires et confirmés de prendre environ 10cm de moins que leur taille. 

Nous conseillons aux snowboarders de prendre environ 20cm de moins que leur taille.

Merci d'indiquer vos pointures en chaussures de villes classique (ne pas ajouter une pointure lors de la réservation !) nous serons en mesure de changer les chaussures si celles initialements réservées ne convenaient pas.

Vous pouvez venir chercher le matériel la veille de votre premier jour de location à partir de 15h30 sans surcoût :)

Merci de réserver à minima 24h à l'avance. Egalement toute annulation moins de 12h à l'avance sera dûe.


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Reviews on SkiTruck CCAS Serre-Chevalier


Jean-Naël Du



I've been going here every year for 7 years, very welcoming place, all-you-can-eat buffet, ski resort not far away!! Amazing center despite selling next year





Great buildings, staff and location. But it really should be maintained.


Eric Gruhn



Yeah top


Vanessa LH



We had a very good stay in this CCAS center. It is located in the middle of the forest, in a quiet area. Cars are not allowed to drive, therefore safe for children. In the morning, you can see squirrels. It's a little far from the slopes: between 15/20 minutes depending on whether you go there on foot or on skis (I count the time to put on shoes, etc.). The city center is also a 15-minute walk away. We went directly through the CCAS to rent the skis and it went very well. The material was good. The lodgings are basic but there is everything you need. The paintings seem to have been redone not very long ago as well as the bathroom. It's clean. The beds are comfortable. But the floors really need to be redone and it's a shame that the toilets are not separated from the bathroom. The entertainment team is really great! During the festive meal, there was plenty of entertainment. It was really nice, very good atmosphere. We didn't use the catering because it was much too expensive except for the festive meal (and it really wasn't good, a big disappointment in that regard). The CCAS offers quite a few activities during the week. I was able to try snowshoe hiking and it was great! Very friendly guide who taught us lots of things. For those who don't ski, there are beautiful hikes to do on foot or on snowshoes.

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