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5 tips to avoid repetitive punctures on your bike

4 min

On 25 Oct 2023 by Sébastien Bourru

5 tips to <red>avoid repetitive punctures</red> on your bike

The article in a nutshell

Tired of flat tires sabotaging your bike rides? Here at Lokki, we've got some top tips on how to avoid flat tires on your bike! From tire selection to pre-wear checks, pressure and MacGyver's survival kit, we've got you covered from head to toe. 🚴‍♀️🎉

We promise, after this, you'll be the Indiana Jones of cycling (or the ninja, samurai, tiger, hawk... er, read you'll understand! 😅).


🎯 Cycling: decoding the road to avoid punctures

Did you love jumping around and avoiding obstacles in your favorite video games? Well, it's the same in real life, except this time you're on two wheels and the reward is avoiding a flat tire on your bike. 🕹️ The trick here is to learn to read the road like an open book. Open your eyes wide and observe! Look out for risk areas like puddles that could hide a hole, or [piles of dead leaves](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/feuille-morte-a-velo>) that could conceal a sharp stone. 🍂 Remember, prevention is the key to victory! 🗝️ And for mountain bikers, the forest is also full of its own traps: branches, rocks and roots are just some of the obstacles lurking around your tires. So put on your detective glasses and scan the trail as if you were looking for treasure! 🏞️ ![ninja.jpg](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/ninja_91deb0cab9.jpg>) Pssst! One last tip: if you're riding in a group, be sure to point out hazards to your fellow riders. A good ninja always looks out for his team! 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️

🚴‍♀️ Choosing bicycle tires: quality to avoid punctures

You're a ninja now. As such, consider the advice of a wise samurai (please don't ask me for the source 😜): "The weapon is half the warrior." 🗡️ And in our case, the weapon is the tires on your bike. To avoid getting a flat, consider **quality tires**. We know they can be a bit expensive, but it's a long-term investment. 🤑 Think latex or even tubeless to increase puncture resistance. And if you're on an electric bike, don't forget that the extra weight requires special attention to tire choice. 🛵 In the city, you might want tires with good rolling resistance, but also protection against small bits of glass or other urban debris. 🏙️ For the more athletic, mountain bike tires generally offer a good balance between grip and durability. Want to prepare as if for an extreme marathon? Opt for tires with integrated anti-puncture strips. 🎩 In short, a good tire is like a good pizza: the quality of the ingredients counts! 🍕 But remember, even the best tire is no substitute for constant vigilance on the road.

🍳 Inflating bicycle tires: the art of finding the right balance

Yes, pressure is as present in the kitchens of Top Chef as it is on the inside of tires. But here, there's no risk of being eliminated, just that of suffering a pinch followed by a loud "Pssssst". 😆 Inflating tires is a bit like adjusting the tension on a guitar: too much, and it breaks; not enough, and it sounds wrong. And when it "sounds wrong" on a bike, it's usually your inner tube going "cuckoo, I've got a hole!" 🎸 Always check the recommended pressure on the sidewall of your tire or in the manufacturer's manual. Use a good pressure gauge and do it regularly. The condition of your valve can also influence the pressure, so keep an eye on it. 👀 ![inspection-velo.jpg](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/inspection_velo_1c837441f6.jpg>)

🐯 Inspect, Prepare, Pedal: the secret of knowledgeable cyclists

You survived the pressure? Great! 🎉 Now that your tires are more ready than ever, let's move on to the pre-wrinkle inspection... like a tiger observing its prey before pouncing. 🐯 How do we go about it? First, we examine the rim. A damaged rim can wear out your tire more quickly and is likely to cause holes. Next, we take a look at the inner tube if you haven't opted for tubeless. You're looking for creases, disassembled areas, anything that doesn't look neat. 🤪 And don't forget to check the rim base. Just like the foundation of your house: if it's in poor condition, everything can collapse. Or, in this case, burst. 😅 Once the inspection is complete, you can ride with confidence. You've got the eye of the tiger 💪 you're ready to tackle the urban jungle or country lanes without fear of the famous "Psssst" coming back. 🚴‍♀️

🎒 Bicycle survival kit: puncture-proof insurance on the road

We bet even a hawk would have trouble following your sharp gaze from now on! 🦅 But even hawks and birds of prey have their "oops 🤭" moments. We've got a solution: the cyclist's survival kit. Because sometimes, despite all the preparation and vigilance in the world, a puncture is simply unavoidable. 🥺 ![reparation-velo.jpg](<https://lokki-prd.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/reparation_velo_58e7ceaf3b.jpg>) Imagine yourself as MacGyver, but without the mullet (unless that's your thing, we don't judge 🤐). You're in the middle of nowhere, and "Psssst," the noise no one wants to hear is heard. Don't panic! You've got your survival kit (and you've trained yourself to use it, of course 🤨 ). First essential item: **patches**! These little magic circles can save your day. No need to bother with spare inner tubes (well, I wouldn't... 🥴). Just add a pump to re-inflate the tire and the little bottle of puncture-proof fluid that can always help out if you've got room. Mind you, it's not strawberry syrup, even if it does smell like it! This magic liquid will plug any little holes with a sponge-like effect. 🧽 Of course, a multi-purpose tool with everything you need for quick repairs. Think of a Swiss Army knife, but specialized for bikes. Take a look here for more information: [The 3 basic bike repairs, in case of a glitch](<https://www.lokki.rent/media/conseil-reparer-velo>).
Inflated eh

Inflated eh

All our tips for preventing punctures, even when renting!


About Sébastien Bourru

As an avid hiker, I analyze outdoor trends and explore the Internet to find the best tips and tricks on how to take on sports tourism.
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