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"I dream of breeding a generation of eco-responsible travelers "

2 min

On 18 Mar 2024 by Frédérique Josse

"I dream of breeding a generation of <red>eco-responsible travelers </red>"

The article in a nutshell

Because current events are all too often anxiety-provoking,

That the environmental cause deserves to be sublimated by positive discourse.

We've come up with "Les Tribunes positives". Each month, an author will share his or her utopia, borrowing the famous phrase of a great "hopeful", Martin Luther King.

In March, we give the floor to Maëva Courtois, co-founder ofHélios, France's first eco-bank.


Responsible consumption is a concern at the heart of our daily lives: more than 3 out of 4 French people say they are committed to responsible consumption.

However, in reality, progress remains insufficient. Why is this? This commitment is hampered by the higher-than-average price of sustainable alternatives. In fact, 78% of French people cite price as the main obstacle to responsible consumption, according to the Poll&Roll survey conducted by helios on responsible consumption in 2023.

*Faced with this situation, helios decided to bring together a community of entrepreneurs, retailers and producers committed to accessible, responsible, local consumption within the *Tous Consom'acteurs! programme. This movement gives everyone the chance to discover and support committed local businesses, while enjoying exceptional discounts on every purchase with the helios bank card. Joining this coalition of change-makers means overcoming the dilemma between "the end of the world and the end of the month", acting for your health and that of the planet, without breaking the bank. *

*The *TousConsom'acteurs! collective is also an ally for your travels and vacations, an opportunity for each and every one of us to become enlightened, eco-responsible travelers and tourists! *

✅ Avoid traffic jams with Jean Fourche's bike

✅ Get away from it all with accommodation from GreenGo or unusual cabins from Coucoo Cabane

✅ Take a roadtrip in The Family Van

✅ Board a sailboat for Corsica with SailCoop

✅ Enjoy the best addresses with Slowing Out's city guides

✅ Disconnect from the world on a Label Inspi retreat

✅ Find destination and itinerary ideas with Chilowé.

Don't wait any longer to join helios and discover all Tous Consom'acteurs partners!

A positive article by Maëva Courtois


Name: Maeva CourtoisRole: Co-founder of Helios, a company specializing in sustainable energy solutionsOrigin: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, FranceEducation: Engineering degree in energy and environmentCareer: Started out in various startups and companies in the energy sector.

Expertise: Renewable energies, particularly solar and wind power

Entrepreneurship: Creation of Helios to promote green energy transition

**Social commitment: Active in social entrepreneurship, using technology to solve environmental problems

Mentoring young women in STEM fields

Participation in conferences on renewable energy and women's entrepreneurship

Vision: Contribute to the fight against climate change through clean energy solutions. Promoting diversity and inclusion in the technology sector

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About Frédérique Josse

Every day, I try to understand how tourism is evolving. I write about sustainable tourism, the outdoors and the circular economy.
Learn more

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